The Beer Bible: Second Edition (Jeff Alworth) *Signed*
Brew Better Beer: Learn (and Break) the Rules for Making IPAs, Sours, Pilsners, Stouts, and More (Emma Christensen)
Wild Brews: The craft of home brewing, from sour and fruit beers to farmhouse ales (Jaega Wise)
A Woman's Place Is in the Brewhouse: A Forgotten History of Alewives, Brewsters, Witches, and CEOs (Tara Nurin)
Around the World in 80 Beers: A Global History of Brewing (Martyn Cornell)
True Brews: How to Craft Fermented Cider, Beer, Wine, Sake, Soda, Mead, Kefir, and Kombucha at Home (Emma Christensen)
*Sale* The Beer & Food Companion (Stephen Beaumont)
The Oxford Companion to Beer (Garrett Oliver)
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Cocktails) Terrington, William. Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks: A Collection of Recipes for "Cups" and Other Compounded Drinks, and of General Information on Beverages of All Kinds.
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (California - Los Angeles) Bohemian Life as Seen by Savarin St. Sure. Approx. 154 issues
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Cocktails) The Compleat Imbiber 8
Ciderology: From History and Heritage to the Craft Cider Revolution (Gabe Cook)
Modern Cider: Simple Recipes to Make Your Own Ciders, Perries, Cysers, Shrubs, Fruit Wines, Vinegars, and More (Emma Christensen)
*Sale* Making Wild Wines & Meads: 125 Unusual Recipes Using Herbs, Fruits, Flowers & More (Pattie Vargas, Rich Gulling)
Cider Revival: Dispatches from the Orchard (Jason Wilson)
The Ultimate Book of Craft Beer: A Compendium of the World's Best Brews (Melissa Cole)