Noma 2.0: Vegetable, Forest, Ocean (Rene Redzepi, Mette Søberg, Junichi Takahashi) *Signed*
Noma in Kyoto
FARE Issue 12: Copenhagen
Noma: Time and Place in Nordic Cuisine (René Redzepi)
FARE Issue 2: Helsinki
Slippurinn: Recipes and Stories from Iceland (Gísli Matt) *Signed*
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Scandinavian) Buster Holmboe. What You Have Eaten in Norway
Joï: Baking and Photographing Northern European Pastry (Joanna Struiksma-Facey, Cyntia Apps)
Forage for Flavor: Refined by Nature, Where Swedish Seasons Meet Wild Elegance (Björn Olfenius)
North Norway: Seasons of Sun and Snow (Fare Folk)
*Pre-order* Eat Copenhagen : Recipes and Stories From Scandinavia (Trine Hahnemann)
*Pre-order* Modern Nordic : Contemporary Recipes from a Scandinavian Kitchen (2nd Edition, Revised) (Simon Bajada)
A Swedish Kitchen: Recipes and Reminiscences (Judith Pierce Rosenberg)
Tastes of Finnish America – Foods that make us smile (James Kurtti)
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Swedish) The Fisherman's Cook Book (Paul Lorck Eidem)
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Danish) Grette Grumme. Danish Food