Endangered Eating: America's Vanishing Foods (Sarah Lohman) *Signed*
The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen (Sean Sherman, Beth Dooley)
*Sale* Endangered Eating: America's Vanishing Foods (Sarah Lohman) *Signed*
The New Native Kitchen: Celebrating Modern Recipes of the American Indian (Freddie Bitsoie, ames O. Fraioli)
Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story (Kevin Noble Maillard, Juana Martinez-Neal)
Chími Nu'am: Native California Foodways for the Contemporary Kitchen (Sara Calvosa Olson)
Iwígara: American Indian Ethnobotanical Traditions and Science (Enrique Salmón)
Seed to Plate, Soil to Sky: Modern Plant-Based Recipes Using Native American Ingredients (Lois Ellen Frank)
A Drum in One Hand, a Sockeye in the Other: Stories of Indigenous Food Sovereignty from the Northwest Coast (Charlotte Coté)
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Native American) Vicki Penner & JoAnn Ellis. Ilimpa'chi': We're Gonna Eat!
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Native American) Vicki Penner & JoAnn Ellis. ilittibaaimpa': Let's Eat Together!
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Peruvian) Cornejo, Hernán. La Cocina Aimara: Aymarana phayañapa
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Colombian) Alejandra Salamanca, et al. Abrazar la Tierra: Memorias Gastronómicas de Coquí, Chocó. *Signed*
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Mexican - Indigenous) Jorge Alberto Esponda Pérez. Recetario Tradicional Zoque
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Mexican - Indigenous) Bolom Martinez, Susana del Carmen, Martín Villalobos de la Cruz and Leonardo Vázquez Galdámez. La Mujer Indígena Chamula y su Cocina = Bats'i ants xchi'uk spasob ve'lil : recetario
The Modern Navajo Kitchen: Homestyle Recipes that Celebrate the Flavors and Traditions of the Diné (Alana Yazzie)