In Bibi's Kitchen: The Recipes and Stories of Grandmothers from the Eight African Countries that Touch the Indian Ocean (Hawa Hassan, Julia Turshen)
The Contemporary African Kitchen : Home Cooking Recipes from the Leading Chefs of Africa (Alexander Smalls, Nina Oduro)
South of Somewhere: Recipes and Stories from My Life in South Africa, South Korea & the American South (Dale Gray)
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Bomme Basemzansi. South African Indigenous Foods: A Collection of Recipes of Indigenous Foods, Prepared by Generations of Women of the Region
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Kgaladi Thema, Ursula Moroane-Kgomo. A Culinary Journey of South African Indigenous Foods
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (South African) Sydda Essop. Karoo Kitchen - Heritage recipes and true stories from the heart of South Africa
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Botswana Traditional Recipes...with a Twist
Taste the Little Karoo (Beate Joubert)
Tastes: Thoughts on South African Cuisine (Hilary Biller, John Peacock)
Rainbow Cuisine: A Culinary Journey Through South Africa (Lannice Snyman, Andrzej Sawa)
Cape Mediterranean: The Way We Love to Eat (Ilse van der Merwe)