(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Activism) PAWS Resource Book Committee. Seattle Peace-Meal Diet: A Seduction into Cruelty-Free Living
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Ália Dos Santos. Temperos da chef Ália: o saber e os sabores de Cabo Verde/Knowledge and Flavors from Cape Verde. *Signed*
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Bayley, Monica. Black Africa Cook Book.
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Bomme Basemzansi. South African Indigenous Foods: A Collection of Recipes of Indigenous Foods, Prepared by Generations of Women of the Region
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Botswana Traditional Recipes...with a Twist
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Conceição Santos. Sabores de Angola
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Kgaladi Thema, Ursula Moroane-Kgomo. A Culinary Journey of South African Indigenous Foods
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Miriam R Malaquias. Authentic East African Swahili Cuisine: Everyday Meals
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Rosa Ventura. Receteando la Cocina Canaria: 100 recetas con sabor isleño. *Signed*
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Sénégal: Cuisine intime et gourmande (Youssou N'Dour)
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (African) Zorkot, Nabil. Cuisine De Cote D'Ivoire
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Amazon) Oil Palms and Other Oilseeds of the Amazon (Celestino Pesce)
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (American) Marion Harland. Cookery for Beginners: Series of Familiar Lessons for Young Housekeepers
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Amish) Ruth Hutchinson. The Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Australian) Jangeb Yarrenkoo! Let's Eat! A Miriwoong Cooking Book (Ingrid Ningarmara & Glannis Galbat-Newry)
(*NEW ARRIVAL*) (Baking) David Lebovitz. Ripe for Dessert: 100 Outstanding Desserts with Fruit--Inside, Outside, Alongside