Jubilee: Recipes from Two Centuries of African-American Cooking (Toni Tipton-Martin)
South: Essential Recipes and New Explorations (Sean Brock)
Black Food: Stories, Art, and Recipes from Across the African Diaspora (Bryant Terry)
Praisesong for the Kitchen Ghosts: Stories and Recipes from Five Generations of Black Country Cooks (Crystal Wilkinson) *Signed*
Afro-Vegan: Farm-Fresh African, Caribbean, and Southern Flavors Remixed (Bryant Terry)
The Good Book of Southern Baking: A Revival of Biscuits, Cakes, and Cornbread (Kelly Fields)
Mosquito Supper Club: Cajun Recipes from a Disappearing Bayou (Melissa Martin) *Signed*
Rice: a Savor the South Cookbook (Michael W. Twitty)
Turkey and the Wolf: Flavor Trippin' in New Orleans (Mason Hereford, JJ Goode) *Signed*
Heritage (Sean Brock)
Bayou: Feasting Through the Seasons of a Cajun Life (Melissa M. Martin) *Signed*
Mississippi Vegan: Recipes and Stories from a Southern Boy's Heart (Timothy Pakron)
Gullah Geechee Home Cooking: Recipes from the Matriarch of Edisto Island (Emily Meggett)
Thoughtful Cooking: Recipes Rooted in the New South (William Stark Dissen) *Signed*
FARE Issue 3: Charleston
The Saltwater Table: Recipes from the Coastal South (Whitney Otawka)