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First Bloom Volume 1 (Alison Roman)
Alison Roman's zine about her shop!
"To celebrate our (almost) 1 year anniversary, I wrote a little something to help you cook from what you might find inside the shop. Recipes, ideas, general inspiration, things to jog your creativity or just some information on how to properly thaw your frozen meat. This book is special, the first of its kind but certainly not the last.
I know it’s not something they would suggest anyone start doing in the year of our lord 2024, but damn do I love spending my precious sweet time making things that feel long lasting and impactful. I LOVE MAKING BOOKS. I love making tiny books and big books. I love the way they feel and how they look on a table. I love leafing through them and seeing all the photos and words together in one place, a cohesive story put together with intention and purpose. I love that they last (forever, if you want). I love doing things the long way, the hard(er) way. I like spending money making things that feel lush and vibrant and full and professional and polished and soulful and honest. I love working with people who are so good at what they do and make my work even better. I’m not good at TikTok and have an increasingly low tolerance for content created for the internet gaze, but I love making books and I think I’m pretty good at it. Books for sale, books for sale, I hope I’m always able to say 'books for sale!'" - Alison Roman